Submission Guidelines

Submissions open: July 22nd 2024

Extended abstract submission deadline: until November 1st 2024

Submission Guidelines

Authors wishing to present a competitive paper at the 18th Global Brand Conference are invited to submit an extended abstract by 1 November 2024. The submission link will open on 22 July 2024.

All papers will be double-blind reviewed, so authors should not be identified within the text.

The extended abstract should be between 1,400–1,700 words (Font Type & Size: Times New Roman, 12 pt; Line-spacing: 1.5) and should follow the following structure:

  • - Purpose
  • - Methodology/Approach
  • - Findings
  • - Theoretical Implications
  • - Practical Implications (if applicable)
  • - Originality/Value
  • - List of references (please follow the APA system)

If your submission is a working paper, please indicate this in the relevant section (e.g., Findings) and provide as much detail/discussion as possible for the other sections.

Submission Process

During the submission, you will be requested to submit the following elements:

  • - The thematic area of the research
  • - The title of the extended abstract and 3-5 keywords
  • - A short abstract with a summary of the research (maximum 250 words). If the extended abstract is accepted for presentation at the conference, this summary will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • - An extended abstract

The extended abstract must be copied to the area indicated on the submission platform. You can copy the entire extended abstract, or you can copy the text of the extended abstract (from your Word document) and then insert the tables and/or figures in the desired place, using the "insert table/image" button or the “copy” and “paste” options.

For further information about submissions please contact gbc2025.porto@eventqualia

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